UK RESULTS WERE ANNOUNCED BY PROFESSOR THOMAS HARRISON AT THE AGM AND CONFERENCE OF THE JOINT ASSOCIATION OF CLASSICAL TEACHERS ON 16 MAY 2009. The CICERO UK marking team would like to extend their congratulations to all candidates who took part. We were very impressed by the standard of all scripts and your schools will receive a Diploma by email for each of you to mark your achievement - well done! Cultural competition : the world of Odysseus
The Federico Mayor prize is awarded to a school in France, to be announced in France on 5th June. 1st Amina Makele, James Allen’s Girls’ School £150 and book by Edith Hall Highly Commended : Commended : U6 Latin translation The Malvern St James CICERO cup is awarded to Hazelwick School for 2009 1st Liam Erskine, Hazelwick School £150 and book by Boris Johnson Highly Commended : L6 Latin translation 1st Giovanni Chiarli, Sevenoaks School £150 and book by Lindsey Davis Highly Commended : We are very grateful to all the authors who have donated and signed books as prizes. We are extremely grateful to all our sponsors for their financial support - without them we could not run the competition.
2009 question-paper (UK, Belgium and France) on The World of Odysseus
2009 translation
2008 question-paper (UK, Andorra and Spain) on Hercules/Herakles
2008 translation