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Bienvenue aux élèves et étudiants latinistes !
Le Concours CICERO entre dans sa 7ème année d’existence ; l’édition 2013 réunira l’Europe (la France avec un centre de composition en Martinique, le Royaume-Uni, l'Espagne, l'Italie, la Serbie), l’Afrique (avec la Tunisie) et l’Australie aux antipodes. Le concours se déroulera autour du 23 mars 2013 : les modalités figurent dans la rubrique de chaque pays. Une classe virtuelle reliera les différents centres composant le 23 mars, de telle sorte que les étudiants seront en contact les uns avec les autres, pendant qu'ils traduiront un texte de littérature latine ou néo-latine et qu’ils feront une recherche sur leur héritage commun à travers le thème choisi pour 2013 : « Alexandre le Grand ».

for 6th Form students!
Now in its 7th year, the CICERO Competition involves young Classics students in many countries around the world: Serbia, France (including Martinique in the Carribean), UK (Birmingham and Edinburgh), Spain and Italy in Europe, and the countries representing two other continents : Tunisia in Africa and Australia. The competition will take place around March 23rd, depending on the country and the details are given on each national page. Depending on which countries' competitions are happening at the same time, a 'virtual classroom' will be set up and linked with the centres in other countries so that the students can chat to each other in the intervals of translating a text of classical or post-classical Latin literature and a quiz on their common heritage related to the chosen theme for 2013: “Alexander the Great”. There will be worthwhile national and international prizes to be won.

¡Bienvenidos alumnos latinistas …y helenistas !
En su sexto año de existencia el concurso sigue extendiéndose por el mundo. A los países europeos que ya participan (Francia, incluido un centro de La Martinica; Reino Unido ; España, Italia y Andorra) y a países de otros continentes (Túnez en África y Australia en las antípodas) se une Serbia con tres institutos.
El concurso tendrá lugar alrededor del 20 de marzo, según el país. Las modalidades figuran en la convocatoria de cada país. Una conferencia virtual pondrá en contacto a los centros que compitan el mismo día de manera que los estudiantes se puedan comunicar unos con otro mientras traducen un texto latino o neolatino o indagan su común herencia a través de las preguntas culturales del tema elegido para el 2013 : Alexandros.

Agli studenti di Latino
Giunto alla settima edizione, nel 2013 il Concorso C.I.C.E.R.O. continua a estendersi al mondo intero. Ai Paesi europei già coinvolti (Italia, Andorra, Belgio, Francia - incluso un centro in Martinica-, Regno Unito e Spagna) e ai Paesi che rappresentano altri continenti (la Tunisia, per l’Africa, e l’Australia) si aggiungerà la Serbia. Il concorso si svolgerà intorno al 23 marzo 2013, a seconda dei Paesi. Le modalità sono esposte nel bando. Una videconferenza creerà una “classe virtuale” mettendo in collegamento i centri dei diversi Paesi, in modo che gli studenti potranno vedersi e ascoltarsi mentre si cimenteranno con il testo di un autore latino o con il questionario sul tema scelto per il 2013: “Alexandros”.


We are very grateful to 'A Ray of Hope' UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace for securing the patronage of Federico Mayor Zaragoza for the CICERO competition.
Federico Mayor Zaragoza was Director-General of UNESCO from 1987 to 1999 and he is the Founder and Director of Foundation for a Culture of Peace, Madrid.



Federico Mayor Prize for the winning school worldwide in 2012: this beautiful painting.

Federico Mayor Zaragoza is a former Director-General of UNESCO and he is the Patron of the CICERO competition.

FMprize painting

A Ray of Hope UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace Prize for the winning candidate worldwide in 2012.

A Ray of Hope has supported CICERO from the beginning and they are providing this individual prize as well as providing the school's prize on behalf of Federico Mayor.

Ray of Hope prize

Click HERE for details of CICERO 2012


Click HERE for videos, pictures and PRIZEWINNERS from CICERO 2011.


animated date
Actualisation des informations 2010 /NEWS OF 2010 COMPETITION /detalles para la convocatoria/Aggiornamenti sull’edizione

We have so far been unable to trace the copyright-holder of the Cicero photograph shown on this page. Please contact the webmaster if you have information about this.