
- and details of prizes.
Federico Mayor Zaragoza, a former Director-General of UNESCO, is our international Patron and Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, supports the UK competition..
Thank you to our financial sponsors who are providing generous grants to enable us to run this competition in the UK - without them there would be no prizes!
The Cicero competition is proud to support the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. It is a small, effective charity funding key projects in Africa and Asia working to save critically endangered mammals in the wild. http://www.davidshepherd.org/ - thank you to Derek Francis for sponsoring this advert!
Worcestershire Branch 
The Old Girls' Association of Malvern St James is continuing to sponsor the competition - thank you very much!
Classical Association - and the Manchester C. A.
Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies http://www.romansociety.org/index.htm

Animal & Bird Repellent Specialists
Liquid Formulation / Powder Formulation
Tel: +44 (0) 7875 283 542
Fax: +44 (0) 1531 670 517
e-mail Fiona.Homes@Laronkarn.co.uk
Cambridge University Faculty of Classics
Educational publishers http://www.galorepark.co.uk/
Winner of the IPG Education Publisher of the Year 2009!
We are still looking for financial sponsors for the 2011 competition. Please contact anne@ciceroconcordia.com if your organisation would like to support us in this way!
Thank you to the following supporters for supplying prizes and encouragement for the competition.
to Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, who has sent us this video-clip : a personal message of encouragement. We are very grateful to Boris taking time to support the competition and for his promise of a signed book for a lucky winner.
Novelist Lindsey Davis says :
'Best of luck to everyone in the competition - work hard but your entry will be all the better if you have enjoyed doing it. So make sure you have fun too!'
As well as creating the ancient Roman detective Didius Falco, Lindsey is a former President of the Classical Association. We value her continued support. She has sent us signed books for lucky prizewinners.

Mary Beard, Professor of Classics at Newnham College, Cambridge and Classics editor of the Times Literary Supplement, has sent us a signed copy of 'The Fires of Vesuvius' for our 2011 competition - thank you very much!
Peter Wiseman, Emeritus Professor at Exeter University, sent us a signed copy of 'The Myths of Rome' in 2009 and 2010 and is sending us another for 2011 - thank you very much!

Edith Hall, Professor of Classics and Drama at Royal Holloway College, London, donated two signed copies of her recent book 'Suffering under the Sun' - thank you very much!
have donated a book token worth £50 to be spent at their online store.

Thank you to Dr. Federico Mayor, former Director-General of UNESCO and 'A Ray of Hope, UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace' for providing a painting which was presented to the school of the winner of the World of Odysseus competition in 2009.
You can see this and the batik presented in 2008 on the main 'Sponsores' page.

Thank you to Malvern St James School for providing an impressive silver cup. This is awarded annually to the school of the student who wins the senior translation section of the competition in the UK.
The trophy is currently held by Hazelwick School.
There are cash prizes for all sections of the competition, with separate categories for Lower 6 and Upper 6 Latin translations. The First Prizes stand at £150, Second Prizes are £100 and Third Prizes £50.
If appropriate, there will also be some 'Highly Commended' awards.
Thank you to all our financial sponsors!
A beautiful engraved trophy will go to the school of the senior Latin translation competition winner and a prize from Dr Federico Mayor to the school of the worldwide mythology competition winner as well as a prize from 'A Ray of Hope' to the winning student.
Boris Johnson, Lindsey Davis, Peter Wiseman, Edith Hall and Mary Beard are providing signed books for lucky prizewinners, and the Hellenic Bookservice is providing a book which a prizewinner can choose, up to the value of £50.
Thank you to the following Classical organisations and individuals for supporting the competition.
http://www.jact.org/ http://www.arlt.co.uk/
'Romans were very proud of their achievements, and Cicero in particular would have been thrilled to know that, two thousand years on, his name was attached to a day to be enjoyed by young people all over Europe.'
Peter Jones
Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
Barbara Bell, creator of Minimus, and Ashley Carter, author of Latin translation books for both GCSE and A Level students, say
'We are pleased to be able to support this innovative competition and we encourage 6th Form students to enter and join in with their fellow students in Europe!'
Support for our competition from the archaeologist Guy de la Bédoyère MA FSA FRNS
'I'm delighted to hear about any initiative which encourages the teaching of Classics. Ancient languages are the key to the languages we speak today and it's essential that schools continue to produce some students who are familiar with them. It's a part of our collective culture we can't afford to let go.'
Encouragement for participants from Sir Anthony Cleaver, Chairman of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and also of the Royal College of Music. He was previously Chairman and Chief Executive of IBM.
'I was delighted to learn of this competition bringing together young students from different countries and using modern technology to facilitate the process.
I have always thought it ironic that so many people consider the study of Classics irrelevant or unimportant for the modern world. I found the skills I developed during my classical education invaluable wherever I
have been working - in particular the ability to do rigorous analysis and to communicate clearly. In fact, almost all my working life has been spent in two industries which did not even exist when I was born and were still in their infancy when I left school - computing and nuclear energy. So much for the idea that education should be specifically aimed at a particular career.'

Gail Trimble, Oxford Classics student and star of 'University Challenge' : CICERO is a competition with enormous depth and breadth. When you're one of only a few people studying Classics at your school it's easy to feel isolated and to wonder if anyone else out there is as enthusiastic as you are. CICERO links you to other young Classicists not only from the rest of the UK but from all over Europe, and it does so through a really challenging competition in some crucial Classical skills - understanding how ancient authors used their own languages to express their ideas, and appreciating how ancient myths have been used and adapted by writers and artists ever since they first emerged. I look forward to meeting students who've chosen to do Classics at university after taking part in CICERO!
FRANCE ............ITALIA
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